Does Tim Tebow have a secret girlfriend?
For what it's worth, award-winning Olympic hurdler Lolo Jones sure seems to think so.
On May 29, after New York Jets center Nick Mangold tweeted "I'm trying to get @timtebow to accept that he and @lolojones are a match made in heaven. #Lobow," Jones responded "@nickmangold thanks Nick but i actually heard tebow has a girlfriend he just isn't saying it publicly. the search continues..."
Jones didn't say what her sources were or why she was led to believe that Tebow has a secret girlfriend.
If Tebow does have a girlfriend, Mangold is clearly trying to get down to the bottom of the situation. He replied back once more ". @lolojones I will try to get some anwers and I'll report back. No worries #Lobow."
Jones may be onto something, as it would make plenty of sense for Tebow to have a secret girlfriend that his PR people are shielding from the spotlight.
Anyone linked to Tebow gets battered with a never-ending barrage of questioning from the media, and that's especially true now that he's based in the New York metro area.
Recently, Taylor Swift and Dianna Agron were grilled with Tebow-related questions at almost every one of their interview appearances, as both women were reportedly linked to the New York Jets quarterback as potential love interests earlier this year.
They were forced to answer question after question on late-night talk shows, denying rumors that they were anything more than just friends with Tebow.
Tebow and his public relations staff would hate for his girlfriend to have to go through that if it can be avoided, especially if she isn't a celebrity who is already used to having to deal with the media.
Tebow has some of the best public relations people around, as he never fails to look like a saint who can do no wrong.
He is protected from anything that can damage his reputation, and "having a girlfriend" may make him slightly less marketable at this point in time.
In the past, dozens of musicians have taken the same approach, claiming they were single as to not disappoint the swarms of teenage girls who would be heartbroken at the news.
For now, #LoBow looks like a long-shot at best. Perhaps Mangold should look into setting Tebow up with someone closer in age to the 24-year-old, like Carly Rae Jepsen for instance.
All Tebow and Jones have in common are that they are both athletes who recently admitted to being virgins, and both have strong religious beliefs. I'm not sure why that makes them a match made in heaven.
Does Tim Tebow have a secret girlfriend? Let me know in the comments.
Eric Holden is a lifelong New York Jets fan. Follow him on Twitter @ericholden.

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