Tim Tebow
The New York Jets' quarterback drew a crowd of about 15,000 to an outdoor Easter church service in Georgetown, Texas. Tebow told the crowd he welcomes the attention on his convictions as well as the "Tebowing" prayer pose he often strikes on the field because it puts his faith and prayer in the public conversation. "It's OK to be outspoken about your faith," Tebow said. He also took a shot at professional athletes who insist they are not role models: "Yes, you are. You're just not a good one." Many Tebow fans began getting in line before sunrise.
Ozzie Guillen
The Florida Marlins' manager is apologizing for telling a magazine that he loves Fidel Castro. The team released a statement Saturday saying there is "nothing to respect" about Castro, calling him a "brutal dictator." Guillen told Time magazine that he loves Castro and respects him for staying in power so long. Guillen called the team's beat writers for a closed-door meeting before a game against the Reds on Saturday night and apologized for the statement. He said he's opposed to the way Castro has treated the Cuban people and he was so upset, he couldn't sleep Friday night.
This article appeared on page B - 2 of the San Francisco Chronicle

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