
Monday, April 9, 2012

Sports Buzz: Tebow's gone, but is that a bad thing? - The Scribe

On Peyton Manning’s official decision day, Denver fans sat anxiously in their chairs, tuned into ESPN and refreshed their phones, waiting in anticipation for the answer that would ultimately leave the Mile High City speechless.

“The” Peyton Manning officially decided to put away his blue and white Indianapolis jersey and trade it for an orange and blue Denver jersey. Who could have seen this coming?

At the beginning of Manning’s free agency, it seemed like Denver was the last place someone like Peyton Manning would ever consider coming to play. But it happened.  

Though the bulk of Denver fans have been throbbing with excitement over the prospect of a Manning-led Broncos team, there are also some that aren’t feeling as elated.

Tim Tebow (yes, last year’s media darling) has been traded to the New York Jets. In light of this, we have to ask ourselves: Is this really a bad thing?

Even though it is sad to watch Tebow leave, it is the best thing for him and the team. There is no doubt that we owe a huge thank you to Tebow for lifting a downtrodden fan base and also a thank you for digging Denver out of its 1-4 hole and leading them to a 8-8 overall record and a playoff victory.

With that said, if the Denver coaching staff decided to keep Tebow, it would only have hurt him as a player. A quarterback like Tebow will only get better by continuing to play, rather than sitting the bench.

Let’s face it. Tebow is not Manning, no matter how you cut it. With this trade, Tebow will have the opportunity to unseat Mark Sanchez as the Jets starter, and get the chance to continue to progress his career.

Some people say that Tebow should have been retained in case Manning happens to get hurt, but what they fail to realize is that Peyton Manning and Tim Tebow run completely different offenses.

Manning is the king of reading the defense, knowing where his receivers are, passing to the open man and putting up points. Tebow, on the other hand, struggles with finding the open man, is, in general, not a good passer and is better suited toward running the ball.

If Manning were to get injured, the offense would have to be transformed to fit Tebow’s skills.  

There is no doubt that the Tebow trade has left Bronco Nation with some upset fans, but what people need to realize is that the trade was not made because no one liked Tebow. It was made in order to benefit the team, which is, ultimately, what matters in the end.

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